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Icelandic authors‘ bios, bibliographies, reviews, awards and more on The Reykjavík City Library‘s Literature Web.

The Literature Web

Bókmenntavefur Borgarbókasafnsins

The Bridge Reviews

Fun, concise reviews of Icelandic literature in English translation.

Literary Awards

Short histories and lists of the winners and nominations for (almost) every Icelandic literary prize under the sun.

Borgarbókasafnið Menningarhús

Libraries are an important gateway to the local community, and welcomes everyone. Our culture houses host a number of cultural events each week, and offer a varied catalogue of literature, film, music, newspapers and magazines.

The library contains around 500.000 total books, magazines, CDs, LPs, DVDs and so on. It is a place to meet people, a place to be in peace, and an important gateway to the local community that welcomes everyone.

Our culture houses host a number of events each week, and offer a varied catalogue of literature, film, music, newspapers and magazines.

Without realizing it, she had begun to make plans for her new life. And despite fearing for Bragi she had begun to feel safe. But that feeling of safety was now long gone. They were here.

Hildur Knútsdóttir from the book Vetrarhörkur (Hard Winter)